CitiusTech Selenium/Java Interview Questions - All About Testing CitiusTech Selenium/Java Interview Questions

Tuesday 13 June 2017

CitiusTech Selenium/Java Interview Questions

1. What is the difference between Grid and Webdriver API?

2. How would you save a cookie value in Webdriver?

3. How would you locate a button which is present on UI with only Span class? It doesn't have an Id, class or 

4. Write a code for the explicit wait.

5. How will you invoke Firefox browser?

6. What will be the logic behind fetching a data from the data provider and inserting it on UI?

7. How will you specify a data provider under Test annotation?

8. Write a program for the reverse string.

9. How does method overriding differs from abstraction and inheritance?

10. Can we override the main method? Explain the reason.

11. Explain OOPS concepts?

12. Why do we go for POM? What does it refer to?

13. What is the difference between String and String Buffer?

14. What is the difference between String Buffer and String Builder?

15. What is mutable and immutable?

16. How will you configure Ant, Jenkins?

17. Why do we go for Apache API? The basic purpose behind it.

18. Script writing for a login page which is being used at your organization.

19. Why do we use generics for getting a list of multiple elements?

20. In what way method overriding in polymorphism and inheritance differs with each other?

21. What is the flow of fetching data from excel using Apache POI?

22. Why do we provide '\\' in java while fetching a path of excel?

23. What are the types of exception which will appear finding elements?

24. What is an object array and why do we use it for data-provider.

25. What is the syntax of defining a data-provider class under @Test?

26. The difference between method overriding and overloading.

27. What is Static and Dynamic Polymorphism?

28. What is Static and Nonstatic in Java?

29. Explain OOPS concepts.


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