October 2017 - All About Testing October 2017

What is the recipe for successful achievement?

To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Success unshared is failure.

To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up.

"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't."

he fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.

The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Interview Questions of SAP Labs for the Post 'Automation Engineer'

Interview Questions of SAP Labs for the Post 'Automation Engineer'

1ST ROUND( lead)

Tell about your self.

Questions about recent(automation) project & roles and responsibilities

Questions about 2nd (manual) project & roles and responsibilities

Where are your development team? is it at a client location or along with you?

Tell me the test case template  (header, footer, body)

Explain defect life cycle?

Where you stay? where is your company located?

Rate your self on java?

Explain testing environment

Any questions to ask me?

2ND ROUND (project manager)

Tell me about ur self?

What is white box testing?

What is black box testing?

Should severity & priority mention in testing?

Tell me challenges faced in your project?

Does manual bring more ROI or automation brings more ROI?

Automation uses: where is used why it should use?

What are the languages does selenium supports?

What is smoke testing? where you will do smoke testing? when will you do accetence testing?

Which technology do you use?

Do your project related to mobility?

Which one you feel comfort manual or automation ? reason?

Tell me the three important things which are mandatory while doing testing in automation?

Explain defect life cycle?

How you will handle if image is scripted and executed in two different resolutions sysytems?

How you will review? wat is the process?

Which tool you used for defect tracking?

Will you join immediately if offer released? how you will manage in your company?

How many test case you wrote per day?

How many of your team?

Tell me the three important things which are mandatory while doing testing in manual?

Do you have any offers in your hand?

Why are you looking for a change?

Which process you follow? explain it

Who will explain the requirement? product owner or scrum master?

Explain any of the sdlc processes you feel free?

What is web server?

3RD ROUND (qa manager)

Tell about test ng

About annotation

Explain in detail about 3 tire architecture on board?

Have you involved in any installation?

Explain about 2 tire architecture?

What is the differenc between 3 tier and 2 tier?

Any 4 tire architecture?

Explain white box testing?

Explain which tool you used in W.B.T?

Why are you looking for change?

Have you done WHITE BOX TESTING?

How build comes can you? Tell me what process how developers and testers communicate?

How build comes? What does it contains?

Xplained about company rules and regulations  & about their project out line.

Friday 27 October 2017

IGate Interview Questions for software test engineer position

IGate Interview Questions for software test engineer position

There are total 3 rounds.

1st round

1. What is selenium?
2. What is Jenkins why we need it?
3. What are the differences between RC and web driver?
4. What are the differences between Grid & WebDriver?
5. Daily role in office?
6. About current project?
7. What is TestNg?why we need it?
8. Write code for Gmail Login in RC & Driver?
9. Have you ever impressed your client?

2nd Round

1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Current project full end to end scenario..?
3. What are the differences between RC and Webdriver?
4. What is abstract class how it uses for us?
5. What is Data-driven framework & Keyword Driven?
6. What is the difference between / and // in XPath
7. SDLC & Stlc?
8. We have SDLC but why we need STLC?
9. How you improve your knowledge on the project?
10. Bug life cycle?
11. Did you involve in Test plan preparation?
12. What is smoke testing & sanity?
13. What type of testing did you do in your work?
14. If I give 5 freshers you only responsible what will you do?
15. What are that challenges you faced?
16. What value would you add to our company?

3 Round HR

1. Why you are leaving?
2. How much salary you are expecting?
3. Next 4-5 year where you will be?
4. Salary slips, hike letters, Notice period

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Aptean interview questions for QA engineer

Aptean interview questions

1. What is code complete?

2. What is release candidate?

3. What is the difference between application and dll?

4. Virus is a bug or not?

5. What is compatibility testing?

6. Difference between automation and performance testing?

7. What is smoke testing?

8. Open interface used for?

9. What is a registry?

10. What is post and get method, service pack?

11. What is the difference between white box testing and black box testing?

12. What are the uses of the index, virtual root in a web application, hotfix?

13. What is the difference between primary key and unique key?

14. main(){ int *p; *p=10; } what is error here?

15. What is the quit or blackout phase in SDLC?

16. What is open Database Connectivity?

17. What is mean time to failure?

GE Interview Questions For Software Test Engineer Position.

GE Interview Questions For Software Test Engineer Position.
Tell me about urself?
Where is your company located?
Tell about your roles and responsibilities in your current project?
What is a hybrid framework?
Which framework you are using?
Explain your framework in detail?
Why you choose framework work?
Which type of test cases you select to automate ?and why?
Write a  selenium code that you wrote in your current project?
What is the difference between find element and find elements?
Explain about select class and methods?
Another way you can select  element other than select class?
What are the challenges you faced in your project ?how you overcome it?
What is ajax elements?How you can handle it ?
What is encapsulation?
What is the abstract class method how you handle  it ?
What is the difference between throw and throws?
Explain try catch block?
What is your contribution to your organization or team?
What is your contribution in the preparation of your framework?
Give me one invalid scenario in your project? apart from the usual requirement
If an option given to change a framework what is approach and why?
What is finally block ?how execution goes ?is finally block executes irrespective of exception or not
Give a scenario where finally block doesn't execute
Explain about test ng and ant tool?
How you used in your project?
What is the use XML file in testNG?
Given a scenario that 5 test cases r there I need to execute first and last 3 means 2 one should not be executed?How you make changes in testng XML file
What is null pointer exception ?is it checked or not
Explain how will automate drop-down list ?how will get size ?and text present in it?
Give me another way you can send values other than sendkeys?
What is rating you give urself in selenium and java?
If an option is given manual/automation testing which one you will select and why?
How do you prioritize your work?

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Manhattan Associates Bengaluru (2-yrs exp in manual and Selenium Automation) Interview questions

Manhattan Associates Bengaluru (2-yrs exp in manual and Selenium Automation) Interview Questions

There are total 4 rounds.

1st written test:

1. Manual testing objective questions:
match following with definition -- test plan, test case, test procedure, test objective, the requirement
--testing multiple choice more than 1 answer
2. Aptitude (10 ques):
-- area between 2 parabolas.
-- probability
-- speed and time
-- work and time
3. Java
-- collection: which is synchronized-- list, set, queue
4. Logical Reasoning

2nd Technical interview: (core java, database)

1. How many primitive data type?
2. Why string is not primitive?
3. Access specifier?
4. Difference between default and protected?
5. What is formatted sop("%d %f",3545,546.45)?
6. Can we store object?
7. How to avoid any variable to serialize?

3rd Manager interview(25 mins)

1. Where is your company?
2. What is your work?
3. Why you want to join this or why you want to leave?
4. How much comfortable in selenium?
5. How much you rate yourself in java?
4th Director interview (90 min 2 personal)

1 Tell me about yourself
2 Tell me % in 10th 12th btech
3 Why they are consistently decreasing?
4. Where do you work?
5. Tell me about your project?
6. I am a client I give you product what question you will ask so that at the end you deliver me a better product.
7. What is setup of your automation project
8. How your setup manage your test script fail-- which tool you use
9. How you store test script in server (check-in, checkout ???) commit
More questions on real-time environment on manual and automation testing

Wednesday 18 October 2017

IGT interview questions -Exp-3+yrs

IGT interview questions -Exp-3+yrs

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Explain your project.

3. What is difference between smoke and sanity testing? Explain according to your project.

4. ExplainDefect Life Cycle. If you face any duplicate bug how will you handle it in your defect tracking tool?

5. How many methodologies you know? Which methodology you are using in your project?

6. Explain V & V model. What is a hybrid model?

7. i18N and l10N testing explain. How you identify other languages in your web page?

8. How will you rate yourself in automation (out of 10)?

9. How you will extract data from DB and put into the text box. Write a code for that.

10. What is GDS?(Travelling Domain related).

11. What is test execution report what kind of fields are there?

12. What is test plan what are the features are present?

13. What is entry and exit criteria?

14. What is risk-based testing?

Monday 16 October 2017

Robert Bosch Software testing Interview Questions For Experience.

Interview questions and answers
Testing Questions:
  1. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?
  2. What is the difference between load, volume, and stress testing?
  3. What is the type of review?
  4. What is gorilla testing?
  5. What is usability testing?
  6. What is STLC?
  7. What is regression testing?
  8. Where you write the test case and where you store that test cases?(according  to a tool they want an explanation about tool)
  9. Which defect tracking tool you used?
  10. What you exhaust in testing?( type of testing)
  11. What is the difference between verification and testing?
  12. What is the bug life cycle?
  13. How would you create traceability?

  1. What is selenium-ide?
  2. What is the type of locators?
  3. What is a challenge you face?
  4. What is the difference between selenium remote control and selenium web driver?
  5. What is the difference between Junit and TestNG?
  6. What is assert?
  7. What is the type of automation framework?
  8. What type of annotation?

  1. What is abstraction?
  2. What is encapsulation?
  3. What is polymorphism?
  4. they had given one matrix program and test only logic.

  1. What is the difference between primary key and foreign key?
  2. What is the view?
  3. What is the difference between float and double?
  4. What you know in the SQL?

Project & current employer:
  1. What you know about this company?
  2. Explain your project?
  3. How many employees are there in your company?
  4. What is your work there?
  5. Who is your client?(and about client also)
  6. In the company how you test the application?
  7. In your company who review the test cases?
  8. Which defect tracing tool you used?
  9. How many automation tools you know?
  10. How many defect tracking tool you know?
  11. How many test management tool you know?
  12. What is testlink?
  13. What is mantis?
  14. Which is the latest version of selenium web driver and which version you used?

Manager round:

  1. What is the procedure you follow to test the application?
  2. What is the difference between data-driven module?
  3. What approach would you take to test critical application?
  4. How many employees are there in your current company.
  5. What is your roles and responsibility in your current company?