GE Interview Questions For Software Test Engineer Position. - All About Testing GE Interview Questions For Software Test Engineer Position.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

GE Interview Questions For Software Test Engineer Position.

GE Interview Questions For Software Test Engineer Position.
Tell me about urself?
Where is your company located?
Tell about your roles and responsibilities in your current project?
What is a hybrid framework?
Which framework you are using?
Explain your framework in detail?
Why you choose framework work?
Which type of test cases you select to automate ?and why?
Write a  selenium code that you wrote in your current project?
What is the difference between find element and find elements?
Explain about select class and methods?
Another way you can select  element other than select class?
What are the challenges you faced in your project ?how you overcome it?
What is ajax elements?How you can handle it ?
What is encapsulation?
What is the abstract class method how you handle  it ?
What is the difference between throw and throws?
Explain try catch block?
What is your contribution to your organization or team?
What is your contribution in the preparation of your framework?
Give me one invalid scenario in your project? apart from the usual requirement
If an option given to change a framework what is approach and why?
What is finally block ?how execution goes ?is finally block executes irrespective of exception or not
Give a scenario where finally block doesn't execute
Explain about test ng and ant tool?
How you used in your project?
What is the use XML file in testNG?
Given a scenario that 5 test cases r there I need to execute first and last 3 means 2 one should not be executed?How you make changes in testng XML file
What is null pointer exception ?is it checked or not
Explain how will automate drop-down list ?how will get size ?and text present in it?
Give me another way you can send values other than sendkeys?
What is rating you give urself in selenium and java?
If an option is given manual/automation testing which one you will select and why?
How do you prioritize your work?


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