Following were the questions asked in 2 technical rounds...
Java :
1 Program for Fibonacci series
2 Program to find the missing number from the sequence
3 Why is it public static void main()
4 What is hashmap
5 Difference between final finally finalize?
6 Difference between string builder and string buffer
7 Oops concepts
8 What is run time polymorphism
9 Difference between abstract class and interface
10 Is java pass by value or pass by reference?
11 Program to reverse string without using a string builder
12 What is verbose in java??
1 Difference between delete truncate drop
2 Difference between having and where
3 Difference between in and between
4 Difference types of joins
5 will it accept a string “Null” in a column which is not null ??
6 Query on two tables.
7 Primary keys and unique key concepts
8 Query to find second highest salary from employee table
Selenium/Testing :
1 A new window opens after some action and the get window handle is not working. How to perform operations on the newly open window??
2 All the XPath strategies
3 Difference between error and exception
4 Exception handling
5 Write a test script to add 2000 entries into the DB where the name can be any string, id should be unique and dept should be from a list of departments
6 Defect life cycle
7 Type of frameworks in selenium. Which did you use?
8 Various work-related situations and my approach towards them.
Java :
1 Program for Fibonacci series
2 Program to find the missing number from the sequence
3 Why is it public static void main()
4 What is hashmap
5 Difference between final finally finalize?
6 Difference between string builder and string buffer
7 Oops concepts
8 What is run time polymorphism
9 Difference between abstract class and interface
10 Is java pass by value or pass by reference?
11 Program to reverse string without using a string builder
12 What is verbose in java??
1 Difference between delete truncate drop
2 Difference between having and where
3 Difference between in and between
4 Difference types of joins
5 will it accept a string “Null” in a column which is not null ??
6 Query on two tables.
7 Primary keys and unique key concepts
8 Query to find second highest salary from employee table
Selenium/Testing :
1 A new window opens after some action and the get window handle is not working. How to perform operations on the newly open window??
2 All the XPath strategies
3 Difference between error and exception
4 Exception handling
5 Write a test script to add 2000 entries into the DB where the name can be any string, id should be unique and dept should be from a list of departments
6 Defect life cycle
7 Type of frameworks in selenium. Which did you use?
8 Various work-related situations and my approach towards them.
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