1 Explain your Selenium Framework
2 What is Step Definition?
3 What DataProvider returns?
4 How to use annotation @Parameters? Write syntax.
5 Difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
6 What findelement, findelements returns when there is no match element in a webpage?
7 How do you find/detect a hidden element on a webpage which has an id, let's say, "hidden"?
8 Types of locators
9 How many ways you can create X-path?
10 Exception handling try, catch, finally blocks
11 Webdriver exceptions
12 Why "static" keyword in Java? Purpose of "static" keyword.
13 How to achieve test-priority in your tests using TestNG?
14 Java program to reverse an integer
15 Jenkins - Maven integration
16 Oops concepts
17 Difference between Set and List
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