Failed to load the JNI shared library jvm.dll
When we will try to run eclipse, we will get following error
This is because you may be having a miss-match between 32-bit and 64-bit setups
64-bit Operating System: 64bit Eclipse and 32-Bit JDK or JRE Setup
64-bit Operating System: 32bit Eclipse and 64bit JDK or JRE Setup
So, you should have Eclipse + JDK + JRE all either 64-bit or 32-bit
Solution :
- Make sure that your windows is 64 bit
Check System Type within System section.
2. Make sure that you have 64-bit Java, follow these steps -
Type "java -version" on command prompt and You should get the following message if its 64 bit.
java version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13, mixed mode)
If your windows is 64 bit then download eclipse of 64 bit
you can download from here
As well as download JDK of 64 bit
this will solve the issue. :)
best luck.
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