July 2017 - All About Testing July 2017

What is the recipe for successful achievement?

To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Success unshared is failure.

To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up.

"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't."

he fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.

The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.

Monday 10 July 2017

Cognizant Interview Questions

1. What is the difference between list and set?

2. How will you switch to another window?

3. What is the return type of driver.findelement / driver.getwindowhandles()?

4. What is the difference between Private and Protected? 

5. How will you achieve dynamic polymorphism?

6. What are inheritance and encapsulation? 

7. Can you override static methods?

8. Can the main method be overloaded?

9. What is Singleton?

10. What is collections in Java?

11. What is nested class?

12. How will you call a protected method in a nested class?

13. In a web page, how will you ensure that page has been loaded completely?

14. What is the difference between build and perform method in Actions Class?

15. What are different annotations in TestNG?

16. What is the difference between before method and before the test?

17. How will you display the character count in a string "Steve Jobs" by ignoring space on between? 

18. What is a constructor and when will you use this and super in a constructor?

19. If you want to call a constructor from
parent class, what will you do?

20. How will you run your tests using Data Driven Framework?

21. What are static variables and methods?

22. How will you handle Alerts in selenium?

23. How will you handle a file upload window using Selenium?

24. Can I define one class into another class?

25. What are different types of modifiers present in Java?

26. How will you make a build using Jenkins?

27. How will you install ReportNG in your project?

28. How will you control data using XML?

29. How will you display a value of a particular cell in a web table?

30. How will you handle dynamic elements using XPath?

31. What is POM?

Greeksoft Technologies Private Limited Interview Questions

1. Define Defect life cycle.

2. Consider you log a defect and it went to retest and then passed. When you will generate a report of
defects logged end of the month, it will show passed or failed result. How will you know, the specific defect
went to retest. Hint - Audit History Flag

3. How will you execute multiple Regression suites and design strategies for same?

Quality Kiosk Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Interview Questions


1. Define STLC

2. Define Defect

3. How Testing was done in your project

4. Have you done database Testing ever


1. How you execute test cases

2. Bug tracking tool you used

3. How your framework adapts your Test case creation.

Delliot Interview Questions

1. Do you aware of any bug tracking tool, if yes, how to upload defect in same.

2. Define Defect Priority and severity, give example of each combination

3. Define bug life cycle

4. What are different types of test cases

5. Define different test case column and their significance

6. You are given a water bottle, design priority and severity defect for it.

7. If work on the Agile model, define and tell more about it.

8. What are different types of testing

9. Define Test Model in your Project.

10. How you will execute 1000 Regression suite in 8 hrs.

11. Have you ever created test case manually?

12.What first thing you do?

13.What columns you used for designing test case?

Nvidia Pune Testing Interview Questions

Round-1 Telephonic

1. Defect life cycle

2. How to Execute Test from QC on remote machine

3. How to log defect in QC

4. Define Software Testing life cycle

5. How will you test mobile application

6. What are parameters you will measure while testing Chrome browser for mobile?

7. Tell me more about SeeTest Manual

8. If you open multiple Chrome browsers, what will you do to reduce slowdown of Mobile

9. How you will start Automation Testing.

10. Define testing strategies for website on mobile

11. Do u know Linux, hardware testing

12. Performance Testing Question - Basic level

13. How you perform in a difficult situation in life.

BNP Paribas Interview Questions


1. What is the difference between product and sprint backlog?

2. Tell more about Agile Methodology

3. Execution of Test case from a remote system.Tell Exact Steps

4. Tell more about test case management tool you have used and how Automation execution maps to it

5. Why BNP


1. Define STLC

2. Steps to log effect in QC

3. VBA questions - Basic Mathematics Question


1. What Testing approach you use in your project

2. What approach you use for Regression Suite execution.

TCS Interview Questions


All Manual Questions


1. How testing is done in your project, tell more about the Testing model?

2. Tell more about STLC and Estimation-Costing for Testing of an application.

3. What first thing you do when you need to test an application?

4. Consider a scenario where the product is being deployed well before the schedule due to client
requirement. The product is yet to develop and Developer only performed unit testing.
You are assigned to test the application before release. You don't have any business Requirement
Documents nor client support.
Define the testing strategies.

5. Define testing strategies in your project.

6. Write down manual test case.

7. Your Team Leads hates you, he doesn't want to give you best appraisal. He makes sure your very tactics
should fail.
You come to know the best approach to do Testing. When compared to traditional approach. Convince your
Test Lead to allow your approach to using for the project.

8. How will you include risk factor during estimation and costing for the project?
Ex. Downtime, System failure, application crash.
- No one can fake estimation and cost so If you know it then only bet on same.

9. How Defect Removal Efficiency calculated and tell more about same.

10. What is productivity index in your project?

11. Tell more about Work Breakdown Structure. And parameter calculation.

JP Morgan Chase Interview Questions

1. Tell me more about your project

2. How will your client earns profit

3. Tell more about your client business

4. How Testing was done in your project.

5. How will you perform UAT?

6. How will you accommodate changes in Regression suite if they are not automated?

7. Define Regression suite execution strategies.

Majasco Mumbai Interview Questions


1. Tell me about your project

2. How you test application and more about the process you follow.

3. Different application you worked on

4. Have you done database Testing ever?

5. Tell more about Agile Methodology and Automation approach.

R-2 Managerial

1. Why are you switching the job?

2. What differs here and other organization?

3. Which is yours best and worst situation during the project?

4. Have you ever faced any situation where you would have done well but failed to do so.
If yes then What you will do in such situation.

HR Common Questions

1. Tell me about your self, career path, and project experience, client interaction process

2. Why do you want to switch?

3. Why you are asking for more package than already in-hand offer?

4. Have you done a market survey, how much other companies are offering for same role?

5. If you are at a Lead position in previous employer , why are you switching?

6. What current Employer is offering to you for withdrawing resignation?

7. What do you find interesting in our interview process.?

8. Tell me more about your aspirations

9. Why product based not service based companies, as there is 0% chance of on-site in product based
firm and maximum chance in service based?

10. Is money means everything to you as you are not looking at facilities if someone is offering?

11. How you financially managed yourself?

12. What if we suddenly change your technical profile?

13. What are your future plans - Certification / Post Graduation?

14. Where you like to see yourself in next 3 years?

Very Important Questions To Ask To HR

1. Let me know about Client Interaction process

2. What is appraisal procedure?

3. Tell me more about Medical Insurance facility

4. What is basic code of conduct?

5. How is a culture in your organization?

6. How project management hierarchy is Structured in your firm?

7. Who is more in control here, Client or Offshore team?

8. How much a junior level person opinion matters in the team, tell me more about openness?

9. What are Learning and Development facilities we have?

10. What facilities we have for internal mobility?

11. Do we have the opportunity to work on other projects if we find task interesting and mapping our skill set?

12. What facilities we have for external certification?

Bristlecone Pune Interview Questions

Total Rounds:
1st Technical
2nd Technical
3rd Manager
4th HR

1st Round

1.Tell me about your project in details.

2. What is e-commerce to you?

3. What is integration testing? Explain what integration testing you have done in your project.

4. Do you have knowledge about Java? Explain features of Java.

5. What is abstraction? Explain.

6. What is STLC?

7. Write a factorial programme

2nd Technical

1.How will you convince the client if the module has the bug but you have to prove that it is not a bug?

2.Explain about negative test cases about pen.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Infostrech Hinjewadi Testing Interview Questions

1. What is verbose?

2. What is thread count?

3. How do you handle the exception?

4. A common method in two interfaces implements one class which interface method will class implement.

5. The flow of try, catch, finally.

6. What is finally?

7. How many values will a method return?

8. What is abstract?

9. What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait?

10. Which design patterns have you used to develop the framework?

11. What is Maven?

12. Have you used to list what is it?

13. Tell me the difference between list and set in the collection?

14.Try block have exit method and catch block has Exception and finally block will return int .what is the flow of execution.

15. Have you ever came across conflict in code how you resolved it?

Oracle Hyderabad Interview Questions

1. Write a program for clicking element which presents in the frame.

2. Write a program for clicking element which presents in child window.

3. Write a program which should validate calendar table.
   scenario: suppose march calendar table consists of all dates 1 to 31
        check whether empty boxes exist in table or not. 

4. What is TestNG and how it differs from JUnit? what tests can be done with TestNG ?

5. Write syntax of the opening browser in selenium.
    me: webdriver driver= new firefoxdriver();
    interviewer: what happens in this case firefoxdriver driver= new firefoxdriver(); ?
    why we have two syntaxes if there purpose is same?
    when do we use firefoxdriver and webdriver in above syntax?
    tell me some differences between both syntaxes.

6. Write the syntax for Firefox in selenium 3.0.
   why selenium people have changed syntax and what is difference b/w syntaxes of Selenium 2.53 and Selenium  3.0?

7. What is dynamic polymorphism in java? explain with example.

8. What is difference b/w interface and abstract class?

9. Why is the purpose of abstract class when we achieve abstraction through interface?

10. Why constructor cannot be inherited in java?

11. Is constructor by default final if yes/no give reason ?

12. What is the package is imported for reading/writing files in java?

13. What is robot class and sikuli and autoit?

14. What is try catch?

15. What is final, finally, finalize?

16. Will finally block always executes?

17. What happens if i put system out in catch block?

18> what are oops concepts?

19> if exception got in try what will executes catch or finally?

20> There is one statement when we put dat statement in try, finally block wont execute what is dat
    statement? what happens when we write dat statement and where the control will go?

21> Have u ever created user defined exception? what is syntax?

22> difference b/w throw and throws?

23> how do you run tests parallelly?

24> how do pass test data in testng and which annotation will be used?

25> what type of frame work using in ur project explain it.

26> without using sendkeys how will you type text in text box? is der any method or class in java?

27> what is the differece b/w list and set.

28> what is linkedlist?

29> what is hashmap? what will happen if i insert duplicate in hashmap, which will be overriden key or value?

30> how will u do debugg in eclipse?

31> how do you log bug when test case fails?

32> what is difference b/w severity and priority?

33> In which scenarios we get nullpointer exception?

34> where you find difficulties in automation while writing scripts?

35> out of 1000 testcases only 1 testcase failed, how will u run dat test case?

36> There is String with 100 characters in it, characters may in any order and by default dat string is not
    palindrome, how will you say string can palindrome or not ?

37> what is agile? explain process in agile.

38> suppose in sprint 10 requirements are der, do we start testing after completeing devlopment
    of all 10 requirements or how?

39> how to you click on particular date number in calander month table?
    scenario : suppose today i will click on 20 date in month table, tommorw 21 like so.. it
               should be dynamic.
    write program for it.

40> how do you pass parameter into xpath?

41> suppose u have ten thousand test case files are there. one element got changed in new release
    same element was used in 700 test case files.. now say how do you do changes for dat element in those files.

42> Tel oops concept with real time examples... like any software terms you can use.

43> If your script got failed and same script works fine with next run, 
     what will you do? will you log bug or what kind of analysis u do?

44> box contains 50 red socks and 50 white socks, what is the propability of getting right pair of same color
    in how many picks? tel worst case and best case of probability.

45> if box contains 1000 different colors and total 10,000 socks now say propablity of getting right pair of 
    same color in how many picks? tel worst case and best case of probability.

46> using eight 8's make 1000 use any operators like +,-,%,/......

47> what is different b/w agile and other methodologies?

Capgemini Experience interview Questions

        Technical Round Interview Questions

1. What are your Roles & Responsibilities?
2. Explain your Framework 
3. What is an interface? where you have used in Framework?
4.What is inheritance? where you have used
5. How to achieve multiple inheritance?
6. Write program to reverse a given number
7. How you select an option in list box
8. What is iframe?
9. How to handle file downloading & upload popup?
10.difference between implicit and explicit Wait?
11.how do you count a total number of rows in a Web table?
12. How to select a check box present in a grid
13. What are web driver exceptions you have faced
14. How to read data from an excel file?
15. How many testing teams are there in your organization
16. Write an XPath to find all the links
17. How to read the tooltip text
18. How to Check if an element is displayed or not
19. What are the locators you have used in ur project
20. Give me XPath types and which one you have used in your project give an example
21. Which class implements WebDriver?
22. An element has an id "bng_123" but the number is changing how to handle it?
23. How to get a text from hidden elements?
24. What is the timeout in the grid?
25. What do you mean by max instance and max session?
26. What do you mean by max instance and max session?
27. Can you define multiple public classes in single java file.is it possible?
28. Class name and java file name should be same?
29. What you mean by final, finally, finalize?
30. What do you mean by for each loop?
31. What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector?
32. How do you write a custom class which is immutable?
33. Create a Custom class which contains interface in it, custom class should responsible for performing the operation. which type of interface will you use to create such a custom class.

     Some managerial questions

1. Which technical book you have recently read?
2. What you expect from our company?
3. Which is the thing you dislike about your current company?
4. Why you are leaving your current company?
5. What was feedback you got from your manager at the time of performance evaluation?
6. Which thing you have recently improved in you?
7. Do you have any aspiration? If yes, then what are those? 
8. How you try to achieve your goals?
9. Do you work during the weekend?
10.  How good you are as a team player?
11. What are things you need to know about our company?
12. If you are changing the current company for growth then what exactly makes you, to choose our company as your next level company?
13. Why should we hire you?
14. How you fill technical gaps in case of any?
15. How you communicate with your peers/seniors in case you have a better solution for any problem statement?
16. If more number of resources given under you then how you delegate work and how you recognize which resource is contributing more for the project?
17. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
18. What are recent trends which should be known to every IT professional? 
19. How much you rate yourself in coding, out of 10?
20. What is leadership? What is a difference between a manager and a leader?
21. What is the cloud? Have you ever used?
22. What are your short term goals?
23. What are your long term goals?

Infosys Interview Questions Asked For 3 Years Experience For Selenium Testing Position

From Java
1. What is the difference between final, finally, finalize?
2. What is the difference between Call by value and call by reference?
3. How to find out the length of the string without using length function?
4. How to find out the part of the string from a string?
5. What is the difference between throw & throws?
6. What is binding(Early and Late Binding)
7. What is exception types of exception

He gives Programmes

1.Reverse a number

find the biggest number among these
simple string programs.

From manual
1. What is the test case technique?
2. Why we write a test case.
3. What is bug life cycle?
4. What are the different status of bug?
5. What is the difference between functional and smoke?
6. What is STLC?

He gives an application & tell to write the scenario
some manual testing concepts

From Selenium
1. Explain your roles and responsibilities.
2. Explain Automation Life Cycle
3. Which Framework You have Used?
4. Explain your Framework
5. What are the things you stored in PageFactory? Why ?
6. Explain TestNG
7. What are the annotations you have Used?
8. What is Constructor?
9. Where you have used the constructor in Selenium?
10. Which model you have followed in your company?
11. How do you handle dynamics objects in a web page?
12. How do you handle untrusted SSL certificate in Webdriver?
13. What is the difference between beforemethod and beforetest?
14. How to verify a particular image and its size in a web page?(Webpage has got many images out of which you have select particular one)
15. What is the use of DesiredCapabilities in Selenium WebDriver?
16. How do you know the Remote m/c details? Like OS, browsers details.
17. How do you find out active elements?