Capgemini Experience interview Questions - All About Testing Capgemini Experience interview Questions

Sunday 9 July 2017

Capgemini Experience interview Questions

        Technical Round Interview Questions

1. What are your Roles & Responsibilities?
2. Explain your Framework 
3. What is an interface? where you have used in Framework?
4.What is inheritance? where you have used
5. How to achieve multiple inheritance?
6. Write program to reverse a given number
7. How you select an option in list box
8. What is iframe?
9. How to handle file downloading & upload popup?
10.difference between implicit and explicit Wait? do you count a total number of rows in a Web table?
12. How to select a check box present in a grid
13. What are web driver exceptions you have faced
14. How to read data from an excel file?
15. How many testing teams are there in your organization
16. Write an XPath to find all the links
17. How to read the tooltip text
18. How to Check if an element is displayed or not
19. What are the locators you have used in ur project
20. Give me XPath types and which one you have used in your project give an example
21. Which class implements WebDriver?
22. An element has an id "bng_123" but the number is changing how to handle it?
23. How to get a text from hidden elements?
24. What is the timeout in the grid?
25. What do you mean by max instance and max session?
26. What do you mean by max instance and max session?
27. Can you define multiple public classes in single java it possible?
28. Class name and java file name should be same?
29. What you mean by final, finally, finalize?
30. What do you mean by for each loop?
31. What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector?
32. How do you write a custom class which is immutable?
33. Create a Custom class which contains interface in it, custom class should responsible for performing the operation. which type of interface will you use to create such a custom class.

     Some managerial questions

1. Which technical book you have recently read?
2. What you expect from our company?
3. Which is the thing you dislike about your current company?
4. Why you are leaving your current company?
5. What was feedback you got from your manager at the time of performance evaluation?
6. Which thing you have recently improved in you?
7. Do you have any aspiration? If yes, then what are those? 
8. How you try to achieve your goals?
9. Do you work during the weekend?
10.  How good you are as a team player?
11. What are things you need to know about our company?
12. If you are changing the current company for growth then what exactly makes you, to choose our company as your next level company?
13. Why should we hire you?
14. How you fill technical gaps in case of any?
15. How you communicate with your peers/seniors in case you have a better solution for any problem statement?
16. If more number of resources given under you then how you delegate work and how you recognize which resource is contributing more for the project?
17. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
18. What are recent trends which should be known to every IT professional? 
19. How much you rate yourself in coding, out of 10?
20. What is leadership? What is a difference between a manager and a leader?
21. What is the cloud? Have you ever used?
22. What are your short term goals?
23. What are your long term goals?


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