Cognizant Interview Questions - All About Testing Cognizant Interview Questions

Monday 10 July 2017

Cognizant Interview Questions

1. What is the difference between list and set?

2. How will you switch to another window?

3. What is the return type of driver.findelement / driver.getwindowhandles()?

4. What is the difference between Private and Protected? 

5. How will you achieve dynamic polymorphism?

6. What are inheritance and encapsulation? 

7. Can you override static methods?

8. Can the main method be overloaded?

9. What is Singleton?

10. What is collections in Java?

11. What is nested class?

12. How will you call a protected method in a nested class?

13. In a web page, how will you ensure that page has been loaded completely?

14. What is the difference between build and perform method in Actions Class?

15. What are different annotations in TestNG?

16. What is the difference between before method and before the test?

17. How will you display the character count in a string "Steve Jobs" by ignoring space on between? 

18. What is a constructor and when will you use this and super in a constructor?

19. If you want to call a constructor from
parent class, what will you do?

20. How will you run your tests using Data Driven Framework?

21. What are static variables and methods?

22. How will you handle Alerts in selenium?

23. How will you handle a file upload window using Selenium?

24. Can I define one class into another class?

25. What are different types of modifiers present in Java?

26. How will you make a build using Jenkins?

27. How will you install ReportNG in your project?

28. How will you control data using XML?

29. How will you display a value of a particular cell in a web table?

30. How will you handle dynamic elements using XPath?

31. What is POM?


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