- What are the different locators you have used in webdriver?
- Can you give example of absolute and relative xpaths.
- What is difference b/w close and quit in webdriver?
- Webdriver is a class or interface?
- Can you give class name which implemented webdriver interface.
- Scenario: if there is a element which contains id attribute, that id is splitted by two parts by '_' (underscore), first part is constant and second part is changing. how do you find that element using id.
- Suppose if element is hidden, how do get text of that element?
- Difference b/w implicit and explicit waits.
- How you deal drop-downs.
- Scenario: there is a link on webpage, click on that link a window will open and now that opened window contains 3 different frames and you have to do operation on different elements in 3 frames and come back to window. how will you do this.
- What is timeout in grid?
- What is browser timeout in grid?
- What do you mean by max instance and max session?
- Tell different annotations provided by TestNG.
- Suppose i want check particular exception in TestNG, how will you do?
- What is soft and hard assertion?
- What are different access modifiers and explain each.
- Class name and java file name should be same?
- What you mean by final,finally,finalize?
- What do you mean by for each loop?
- Can we remove any element by using for each loop?
- Difference b/w arraylist and vector?
- How do you write custom class which is immutable?
- Create one custom class using interface inside in it, that custom class should responsible for doing for each operation.
which type of interface will you use to create such a custom class.
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