Synchron Pune interview questions. - All About Testing Synchron Pune interview questions.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Synchron Pune interview questions.

Synchrone Pune interview questions

  1. How much you rate yourself in Java out of 5 and in selenium out of 5

  1. Write a program or algorithm to swipe 2 numbers without using 3 rd variable.

  1. Write code to reverse integer 1234.

  1. Write code to calculate the length of string "how are you"

  1. What different type of locators are present in selenium.

  1. How to run test cases via Jenkins

  1. What is reflection in Java.

  1. What is collection.

  1. What is abstract class and abstract methods.

  1. What is static variable and static methods.

  1. What you have done to improve the performance of selenium framework.

Common basic selenium interview questions

How to do following things

  • Implicit and explicit waits

  • Handle-alert and multiple windows

  • Select from dropdown

  • Broken links detection

  • POM framework

  • Parameters related to pom

  • Desired capabilities

  • Scroll bar implementation

  • Mouse hover implementation

  • JavaScriptexecutor

  • Actions implementation

  • Detect Dynamic Objects


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