1. Tell your Roles & Responsibilities.
2. Framework explanation.
3. What is interface ?
4. What is inheritance ?
5. How you achieve multiple inheritance in Java. ?
6. Write program to reverse a number.?
7. How you select an option in drop down ?
8. What is iframe.write code to click on a button which is in a nested iframe ?
9. How to handle file downloading & uploading ?
10. Difference between implicit wait and explicit Wait.
11. How to find total number of rows in a Webtable ?
12. How to select a checkbox present in a webtable ?
13. What are the webdriver exceptions ?
14. How to read data from an excel file ?
15. How many testing environments u have in your organization ?
16. Write an XPath to get all the links.
17. How to read the text on a tool-tip ?
18. Check whether an element is displayed or not.
19. There are 3 classes A B C. How to access the methods of B and C in Class A.
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